development n. 1.发展,发达;进化。 2.展开;扩充;开发。 3.发达物,新事物,发展阶段。 4.【生物学】发育(史);【军,数】展开;【摄影】显影,显像;【音乐】展开(部);研制,研制成果。 development area 〔英国〕新开发地区。 development of heat 放热,生热。
8 . agreement on investment development cooperation 经贸合作最近几年大大增强。
Swedish int l development cooperation agency sida 瑞典国际发展合作组织sida
High commission of development cooperation agencies 发展合作机构高级委员会
An analysis of the prospects of sino - russian land development cooperation 中俄土地开发合作前景探析
The goals have transformed the practice of development cooperation 千年发展目标已经改变了发展合作的习惯做法。
Permanent committee for development cooperation related to industrial rights 发展工业产权和有关权利合作常设委员会
The development cooperation policy of european union has passed through three phases 欧盟发展合作政策的演变经历了三个阶段。
Charles e . morrison , “ development cooperation in the 21st century : implications for apec , ” asian perspective , vol . 21 , no . 2 , fall 1997 , pp . 37 - 56 王立辰,图们江地区国际合作开发的特点及决定因素, 《东北亚论坛》 , 1994年2月,页22 ? 23 。
These factors will continue to exert influence on the development cooperation policy of eu and thus global and comprehensive development cooperation policy will be promoted with effect 这两方面因素在新世纪继续发展,决定了欧盟在新世纪将继续推进全球主义的发展合作政策。
The rise of globalism on development cooperation policy resulted form outside and inside factors . the changes of international structure and of the development view are the outside factors for its rise 从外部因素看,冷战结束后国际格局的变化是前提, 90年代后国际上发展观的变化是重要原因。